Featured: Valour Partners Diversified Equity Fund, Pro Funds Mortgages & Valour Group
In this previously recorded live webinar, Carmen and Jordan Campagnaro uncover why now is an opportune time to invest in real estate.
They explore the strategies you can employ to build a strong real estate portfolio, explain the power of private capital for financing and investing, explore equity investments, and highlight why focusing on investing in affordable housing during the current housing crisis can offer real estate investors a more dependable investment option in today’s uncertain times.
Joined by Nick Wright, Securities Lawyer and Registered Exempt Market Dealer from Startly Capital.
- 1:29:00 Min

Key Topics Covered
- Leverage real estate investment opportunities in today’s market
- Recession resistant investments
- Power of private capital: investing and financing
- Investing in equity: income property development, affordable housing
- Investing in equity: income property development, affordable housing
- Learn from experienced experts in real estate
- Q&A session
- Featured Equity investment offering 20-25%* target annual return from Startly Capital